Tuesday, March 15

Armenia - Emmy - Boom Boom


Emmy - Boom Boom

Armenia, as I have mentioned on this blog before, is one of the countries I feel is due a Eurovision win. In previous years they have never failed to reach a final and never finished outside of the top ten. After years of strong songs, strong performances and successful results I felt that with the right song that maybe this could be their year. However, the song that has been selected, Emmy - Boom Boom, is without doubt the weakest entry they have sent in years and unfortunately Armenians will have to wait for their first victory in Eurovision.

Emmy is a popular singer in her homeland and narrowly missed out in the 2010 selection coming second in the national final. But this year Emmy secured her place in the contest and will compete for a place in the grand final, which she may find more difficult than previous years. This is the first year I feel the Armenian entry is at risk for breaking the streak of qualifying for the final.

The song does not open to badly and on first impressions regular viewers of the contest will be waiting for the usual catchy Armenian pop choruses to kick in but this never happens. What we get here from Emmy is a very childlike, simple almost old fashioned chorus. Something you may here in a kids club on a holiday camp. I cannot see how, in its current form, this song will work on the big Eurovision stage surrounded by much better tracks. For me, very little about this works and I cannot imagine it growing on me either.

Sadly, Armenia may find that for the first time in its ESC history that the final will be taking place without them present.

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